Yoga is effective for constipation by strengthening pelvic floor muscles, improvise peristaltic movement, and thus normalizes bowel movement.
Yoga is a mind and body practice from Indian. 9.5% of U.S. adults (21 million) used yoga. This is a significant increase from 6.1% in 2007 and 5.1% in 2002.
6 Yoga poses for constipation
Yoga is very effective in treatment of numerous digestive complains including constipation. Yoga increases the strength of pelvic floor muscle, improvise peristaltic movement, and thus normalizes bowel movement.
Some simple yoga & pranayama to normalize bowel movement.
- Baddha Konasana - this butterfly pose stimulates abdominal organs and thus improves digestive system, relieves gas, cramping, bloating of stomach, normalizes bowel movement and thus useful for constipation.
- Pavanmuktasana - this wind-relieving pose improve digestive system functions; get rid of the intestinal gas accumulation, cures gastrointestinal problems including constipation.
- Viparita karani - this leg up the wall pose destroys old age problems specifically constipation, heals every digestive and urinary problems.
- Malasana - is a yogic squat, a simple pose helps against constipation and improves metabolism.
- Jathara Parivartanasana - this posture is beneficial for the detoxification of the body and decompression of the spine.
- Agnisaar pranayama - Agni means fire and Sara means wash; literally, means wash the fire (Manipura) chakra located at the navel center good for constipation, indigestion and loss of appetite.
Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose or Bound angle pose)
Sit with your legs straight out in front of you. Exhale, bend your knees, pull heels as close to pelvis as you comfortably can without feeling pain. Then, drop your knees out towards the floor and press the soles of your feet together. With the first and second finger and thumb, grasp the big toe of each foot. Stay at this stage, or start to recline your torso forward, ensure spine remains long and straight by bending from the hip joints (not the waistline). Stay in this pose from 1 to 5 minutes.
Stimulates abdominal organs, ovaries, prostate gland, bladder, and kidneys. Stimulates the heart and improves general circulation. Normalizes bowel movement, useful for constipation. Useful for menstrual discomfort, relieve menopause symptoms, high blood pressure, infertility, asthma, depression, anxiety, and fatigue. This forward-bend posture improves digestive system and relieves gas, cramping and bloating of stomach.
Pavanmuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose)
Pavanamuktasana, wind-relieving pose, wind removing pose, or wind liberating pose; this Sanskrit words pavan means wind, mukta means relieve and asana means posture. Pavanamuktasana is an effective yoga posture for constipation; help improve digestive system function, get rid of the intestinal gas accumulation, cures gastrointestinal problems, strengthens back muscle, cures back pain, and good for menstruation disorder.
Lie down on your back, stretch your legs straight. Bend your right knee and holds it with hands, press it towards the abdomen. Breathe out, lift your head and touch the knee with chin. Breathe in, stretch your legs straight. Repeat the same with the left leg. Repeat the same with both legs, in this pose swing the body back and forth for 5 to 10 times, then swing body from left to right and swing body from right to left. This is one round, practice three or four rounds.
Viparita karani
Sit on the floor with a wall next to your side, legs stretched out straight in front. Exhale, lie down on your back, pivot your body and raise your legs up so that bottom of the feet facing the ceiling and back of the legs touching the wall. Bring the sitting bones as close to the wall as possible. The torso and legs should create a 90-degree angle. Place your hands on your sides, palms facing up, close your eyes, focus on your breath, relax yourself and release stress or anxiety. Stay in this final pose for five to 20 minutes. To come out of the pose, push your feet against the wall and roll to one side, support your legs until it reach the ground. Lie down for few seconds until sitting to avoid lightheadedness.
Viparita Karani "destroys" old age and death; grey hairs and wrinkles become inconspicuous. Viparita Karani is good for anxiety, depression, digestive problems, headache, migraine, high/low blood pressure, insomnia, menstrual cramps, premenstrual syndrome, menopause, respiratory disorders, and urinary problems.
Malasana or Garland Pose, is a yogi’s squat. Experts claims that squatting is far more helpful for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles than kegel exercises. Squatting help with digestion; as the pelvis descends, you encourage the downward flowing energy of apana vayu helps the body eliminate waste and clear the mind.
Stand with legs apart, inhale raise your arms above head and press palms together, exhale lower the hip with knees apart, ensure the heel rest on the floor. Lower your hands in front of the chest keeping the palms together in prayer pose. Take one deep breath in and out, then inhale and return to standing position by raising your arms overhead. Repeat five to six times.
Great for pregnant women as this posture quickens delivery. It helps against constipation and improves metabolism.
Jathara Parivartanasana
The Sanskrit word Jathara means belly or abdomen, Parivarta means revolved and Asana means pose. Other names for this pose are Reclined Straight-Leg Twist, Belly-Revolving Pose and Supine spinal twist pose.
This pose is perform by lying down your back, bend knees, bring them towards your chest, and then turn them to the left while you look to the right. Hold for 45 to 60 seconds. Repeat on the opposite side.
This posture is beneficial for the detoxification of the body and decompression of the spine. This pose helps in proper digestion. Blood circulation throughout the body improves. The compression of the organs with this pose releases metabolic waste and toxins. This pose is good for relieving stress and anxiety.
Agnisar pranayama
Agni means fire and Sara means wash; literally, means wash the fire (Manipura) chakra located at the navel center good for constipation, indigestion and loss of appetite. This pranayama overcomes laziness, disinterest, lung problems and sleeplessness. It strengthens the internal organs, muscles, nerves and blood veins.
Stand with the legs slightly apart inhale deeply through your nose, during exhalation draw the navel upwards & inwards at the same time lean forward a little by bending your knees placing both hands on the thighs. People with low-agni tends to tired easily in the first round itself, although it is advisable to practice at least three rounds. The Agnisar Kriya should practice on an empty stomach.