What to eat? Choose foods that are easy to digest & gentle to stomach. How to eat? Eat optimal quantity, slowly, chew well, and drink do not swallow.
Beneficial foods for GERD - What to eat, to ease heartburn
Prefer foods that are wholesome, contain digestive enzymes, detoxifying and easy digestible; this help stop acid reflux as well as heals GERD.
Here are the GERD foods that prevent acid reflux attack:
1. Wholesome foods are the ones that your body appreciates, the ones that help you stay healthy. Locally grown, if possible organic fresh fruits and vegetables provides necessary nutrients without causing heartburn.
2. Frequently take foods containing digestive enzymes such as papaya, pineapple, sugar beet, and fresh aloe gel or juice. Just take few pieces just 30 minutes before or after food for benefits without any gaseous side effects in some people.
3. Take Cabbage, Garlic, Ginger, Grapefruit, Green Tea, and Turmeric regularly to detox your body. Taking cabbage juice for five days helps heal GERD largely. People with ulcer may find fresh ginger aggravates, they can take dry ginger without any problem.
4. Green leafy vegetables are helpful for GERD such as artichokes, asparagus, cucumbers, pumpkin and squash.
5. Bone broth made from grass=fed animals preferably by slow cooked to extract essential nutrients can provide nutrients. Bone broth is easy to digest nutrient rich food good for recovery from various health conditions including GERD.
6. Certain fish consumption is beneficial, such as wild-caught tuna and salmon.
7. People with GERD can consume healthy fats such as coconut oil and ghee (from grass fed cow). Both fat help digestion, fight against parasites, and heals inflammation.
8. Increasing fiber intake in steps slowly preferably from fruits and vegetables, this support healthy bacteria in your guts as well as prevent constipation.
9. Coconut water: help keep the body hydrated, because it is rich in potassium and electrolytes. For acid reflux, sip coconut water throughout the day and drink a glass before bed. Coconut water kefir, a fermented probiotic drink has additional healthy benefit to the stomach specifically for those with acid reflux.
10. Coconut oil: contains lauric acid, a natural compound help kill candida, boost immunity and fight inflammation. Taking it daily by incorporating it into your foods, helps individual with GERD a lot.
How to eat, to prevent heartburn
How you eat is as important as what you eat.
1. Chew well: Digestion begins in the mouth, both mechanical and enzymatic digestion. Do not swallow the food instead chew well and drink it after well mixed with the saliva.
2. Sip water with meals: If you require drinking water during meal, only sip warm water or herbal tea. Because, sipping warm water support digestion; however, drinking cold-water dilute stomach acid and digestive enzymes.
3. Walk after eating: Gentle walk stimulates the digestive organs and peristalsis movement, thus improves digestion and reduce chances of acid reflux.
4. Eat 3 hours before bedtime: This is the golden rule for people with acid reflux; should eat three hours before bedtime. So that the food digested within 3 hour and leave stomach, and enters small intestine. Thus no chance for acid reflux.
5. Eat less for dinner: Most of the acid reflux attack happen in the night, thus it is advisable to eat less for dinner, specifically cut down carbs and high fat or fried foods.
6. Use gum, this keep producing saliva, digestive enzymes, and thus eases digestion & reduce acid reflux.